"Only the Important Things" 12x16" acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel.
Here’s my last piece of 2018!
This painting is a pre/sequel of sorts to the mural I did for Pow! Wow! Hawaii last February (see it here). I wasn't completely satisfied with my mural because it was missing an integral part of the equation: the Roy half of my “River Bandit” neighbors, Kala and Roy.
Between Pow! Wow!, a couple of group shows, and my 28 Summers solo show, I created a new body of work and became more comfortable in my approach to illustration this year… All the while, the cogs were turning in the back of my head trying to figure out how to utilize the reference photos I had taken of the River Bandits, and recreate a (smaller) illustration that captured the antics I imagine these boys get up to, speeding up and down the canal in our backyard.
With the same inspiration I had at the beginning of the year, the end of 2018 came full circle when I painted “Only The Important Things,” a pseudo re-do of my mural. Its nice to see the progress I’ve made in a year. Looking forward to seeing what happens in 2019!
Happy New Year!