Onomea Chocolate

I’m so excited to team up with Lonohana Chocolate for their launch of Onomea Chocolate! Four brand new flavors of chocolate grown and made locally here in Hawaii. They licensed four of my illustrations last year while in production. It’s so cool to finally see and taste them!


My “I’m Going In” illustration is perfect for their new Lime in the Coconut flavor, and “Kahili Hill” for their Matcha Crunch. “Kamokuna” is on the package for Passion Orange Guava bar (my favorite of the bunch!), and “Waimea Bay” is featured on the Salted Macadamia Nut!

MicroVisions 4 @ WOW x WOW Gallery

I’m excited to be part of another WOW x WOW show! This time MicroVisions 4: “the fourth of our annual group shows of small artworks; this year featuring over 80 international artists and comprising of more than 100 unique pieces. With the maximum size of contributions being limited to 10″ x 10″, and many of the works coming in considerably smaller, this exhibition offers collectors the perfect opportunity to purchase work by a host of phenomenal artists at their most affordable prices.” View online from May 7-May 28, 2021.

“De Nuevo”
10x10” Acrylic, colored pencil and paint marker on wood

This piece was inspired by a photo I took while traveling in Bolivia. As we were driving through town, my eye was drawn to a colorful building with a patchwork paint job that broke up a majority of the previous earth toned buildings. Without slowing down, I rolled my window down and took a quick snapshot of a man standing on a chair painting the building. Upon further inspection, I realized he was actually removing graffiti that had been spray painted up and down the wall. With the odd layering of color, I got the sense that this might be an ongoing game of call and response between the maintenance man and some local mark makers.

Currently available for purchase here.

Kaka'ako Kasuals Slippers

I’m so stoked to finally see the launch of my slipper designs for Kaka'ako Kasuals (a local women owned business🤘) We’ve been sitting on these for such a long time, and they’re finally available for preorder!

Each of the designs I created are inspired by surf spots close to Kaka'ako Kasuals. Point Panic for the dudes, Queens for the ladies, and happy 'Opihi for the keiki —or if the slipper fits, grab one of each!


The women's slipper has lots of fun bold colors with pink/yellow sunset hues, while the men’s design is more subdued, with grays, blues, and little pop of red/orange to push the "panic" theme. For the keiki slippers, I took colors from both the men's/women's to make them fun, unisex, as well as cohesive as a whole collection.

Big mahalo Kiani and Nicole!💛


See below for the a few time lapses of my paint process, and the final illustrations:

2020 Vans Triple Crown of Surfing

I’ve been waiting almost two full years to post about this project! At the beginning of 2019, Vans commissioned me to create the poster for the 2020 Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. It was a dream project, working with a dream team. As a lifelong Vans fangirl, I am beyond excited to cross it off my bucket list. (I was also hired to do a “prequel” poster for the 2020 Vans Pro, but the event was cancelled… so I’not sure where I stand on being able to share the artwork.)

Because of the pandemic, many events have been cancelled this year, but the VTCS is still on and going digital —the competition will run without a spectator audience.

Above is the official 2020VTRCS trailer that Vans released a couple of weeks ago. Below is the original poster artwork and design I created last year.

My original design for the 2020VTCS poster (with mock dates and sponsor logos).

My original design for the 2020VTCS poster (with mock dates and sponsor logos).

The competition historically has three main events that take place at three different beaches on the North Shore of Oahu, during Hawaii’s infamous winter swell. I took design inspiration from the “high surf” warning signs that take up permanent residence along the coastline during this season. Like the high surf signs, my illustration centers around a diamond shape that houses the infamous North Shore waves, vignetted by trees, spectators, local cars, and a lifeguard tower. All surrounding elements are a collage of the three event stops: Haleʻiwa Aliʻi Beach, Sunset Beach, 'Ehukai/Pipeline, (and even a little bit of Waimea Bay).

Process work

Process work

Custom surface pattern, and typographic treatment to the VTCS logo/event locations.

Custom surface pattern, and typographic treatment to the VTCS logo/event locations.

Before the final typographic treatment was approved, I pitched an idea that included a little crown icon with the logo. We moved in a different direction, but I thought it would be fun to add a “Where’s Waldo?” element to the poster, and hid a number of little crown icons throughout the composition (this would have been more entertaining had the big tents and event banners been printed, and you could search for them on site). Many of the crowns are covered by the logo up top, but who doesn’t love Easter eggs? See below for the ones I can remember putting in.

Hidden crown icons

Hidden crown icons

You can find more info about the competition at vanstriplecrownofsurfing.com, and official merchandise at www.vans.com.

Special thanks to Jenny, Nate, Seb, Chase and the rest of the VTCS crew!

"Small Victories" Group Show @ Thinkspace

My new piece “Welcome Back” is on display at the Lancaster Museum of Art and History in California, with Thinkspace for their group show “Small Victories,” focusing on suicide prevention and mental health. The show is up from September 12 through December 27.

“Welcome Back” 12x12” Acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel

“Welcome Back” 12x12” Acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel

'Ride the Sunrise' WOW x WOW Group Show

I’m excited to have a new piece featured in WOW x WOW Gallery’s  Ride the Sunrise group exhibition. The show is online from August 7-28, 2020. For purchase inquires please visit the WOW x WOW website here.

Ride the Sunrise - Flyer.jpg

“Next Left” Acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel.

This illustration is inspired by a road I routinely traveled this summer for a job in the next town over. It’s one road in, and one road out. After driving through dense forest along both sides of a straight road for several miles, you’re suddenly met with a sharp left turn that puts you at the base of the majestic Ko’olau mountains. A little blue house is the first thing that welcomes you into the sleepy town of Waimānalo.


Hawaii Artists for Racial Justice

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Admittedly, it feels very uncomfortable to be promoting my work right now, but I am reposting my instagram announcement from yesterday: I want to use my little platform and not stay silent, but to help shine the tiniest light on these dark days. This week many of my fellow Hawaii artists pledged to donate their sales to causes and organizations that fight against racial injustice.
I am donating 100% of the proceeds from my online sales through Friday, June 5th to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and the Black Lives Matter organization.
Link to my store.

Big thank you to those of you who have already purchased something🖤

Thank you to Honolulu Magazine for spreading the word.

Additional sources to support and donate:

Black Lives Matter

NAACP Legal Defense Fund

Communities Against Police Brutality

Black Visions Collective

Reclaim the Block

Closing 2018 with a Full Circle

"Only the Important Things" 12x16" acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel.

"Only the Important Things" 12x16" acrylic, colored pencil on wood panel.

Here’s my last piece of 2018!

This painting is a pre/sequel of sorts to the mural I did for Pow! Wow! Hawaii last February (see it here). I wasn't completely satisfied with my mural because it was missing an integral part of the equation: the Roy half of my “River Bandit” neighbors, Kala and Roy.

Between Pow! Wow!, a couple of group shows, and my 28 Summers solo show, I created a new body of work and became more comfortable in my approach to illustration this year… All the while, the cogs were turning in the back of my head trying to figure out how to utilize the reference photos I had taken of the River Bandits, and recreate a (smaller) illustration that captured the antics I imagine these boys get up to, speeding up and down the canal in our backyard.

With the same inspiration I had at the beginning of the year, the end of 2018 came full circle when I painted “Only The Important Things,” a pseudo re-do of my mural. Its nice to see the progress I’ve made in a year. Looking forward to seeing what happens in 2019!

Happy New Year!